San Diego Outdoors

There could be many books written on all that you can do outside in San Diego and, in fact, people have done just that! But let’s try to do an overview here. Keep in mind that it is by no means all inclusive. Head to Balboa Park to explore 1,200 glorious acres of land punctuated…

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Scarborough Marsh

As the largest salt marsh in the state of Maine, Scarborough Marsh is host to a wide variety of plant and animal life. Numerous species of birds can be spotted in this 3,100-acre saltwater marsh, as they use the area as a stopover while on their migratory journeys north in the spring and south in…

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Old Orchard Beach Pier

The Old Orchard Beach Pier, located at the center of town, has been a long-standing historic landmark since 1898. It has gone through several remodels over the years. The current structure has been in place since 1980. The Pier is home to several restaurants and bars, shops, and entertainment. These venues host several special events…

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Navigating Online Map Gifts

Navigating Online Map Gifts Phew! How about this online shopping craze? It’s pretty crazy, isn’t it? I’d say it can be crazy fun actually. You can find just about anything you want online without leaving the comfort of your home (or office for all you mega multi-taskers at work). I was thrilled to find that…

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Middle Peninsula Highlights

Sandwiched in between the Northern Neck and Lower Peninsula, the Middle Peninsula is bordered by the Rappahannock River to the north, the York River to the south and Chesapeake Bay to the east. Much like the other two peninsulas, the Middle Peninsula may easily be called a boater’s paradise. In fact, people in these parts…

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Marysia Mycielski

“I just wanted to say what a wonderful map of Boulder you have. I am so impressed that I brought one up to my office and presented it to the staff. As I work daily in the Mathematics Department at the front desk I get constant questions of where is a good place to eat,…

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Mark Ciociola

“Owning our Discovery Map franchises has been a blessing both professionally and personally. They have allowed us the opportunity to meet and become friends with fellow small business owners in the community. They also provide us the ability to earn an income while maintaining a flexible schedule and lifestyle. One thing we did not anticipate…

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Map Geek’s Worldview: We are one

Map Geek’s Worldview: We are one I have been in awe of the manifestations of love that have been expressed throughout the world since the last time I posted here. As you well know, the novel coronavirus has spread across the globe at an alarming rate these past weeks and travel has come to a…

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Joe Walker and Ted Chartrand are the new owners of Discovery Map of North Conway and Discovery Map of Franconia

Your new travel guides…Joe Walker and Ted Chartrand are the new owners of Discovery Map of North Conway and Discovery Map of Franconia DATELINE: NORTH CONWAY, NH, FRANCONIA, NH and WAITSFIELD, VT Discovery Map International, the leading provider of curated guides to top tourist attractions, cities and towns throughout North America, recently announced Joe Walker…

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Introducing Discovery Map of Colorado Springs, a new family-run visitor guide that joins 120+ Discovery Maps across North America

DATELINE: COLORADO SPRINGS, CO and WAITSFIELD, VT – Discovery Map International, the leading provider of colorful, hand-drawn maps of top destination cities and towns throughout North America, is pleased to announce its expansion into the Colorado Springs market via a new franchise agreement with local residents Nicholas and Sharon Boyd. The inaugural Discovery Map of…

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