Local’s Corner: Galveston, TX Best Kept Secrets

Hi everyone! It’s time for another edition of The Local’s Corner.

Most Discovery Map franchise owners live and work in their map territories. The ones that do not spend significant time in those territories (think vacation home, seasonal visits). As a result, they’re experts in all things local.

We asked Jeanna Leek from Discovery Map of Galveston, TX about some of her favorite local spots. Read on for an informed local’s perspective!

What are the best kept secrets, things to do off the beaten path in Galveston?

So glad you asked! Here are a handful of our favorite off the beaten path activities:

Photo courtesy of https://www.gulfcoastconcierge.com/products/galves…

Ok, very important questions. Where are the best places to get brunch?

Our favorite breakfast spot os Star Drug Store, the oldest Drug Store in the entire state of Texas! The best weekend brunches are Riandos, Hearsay, Yagas, and Blvd. If you’re looking for a super fancy Sunday Brunch, head to the Hotel Galvez.

Photo courtesy of https://galvestonstardrug.com/

And the best places to hear music?

Definitely 23rd Street Piano Bar or Yaga’s.

Is there any important history I should know, or historic sites can I visit?

You should head to to Galvestonunscripted.com for unlimited free history podcasts and self guided history tours!

Final question: What makes this place special?

What makes Galveston special are the friendly island folks, wonderful beaches, historic downtown buildings & shopping, cruise terminal, and amazing attractions!

We hope you’ll come visit!

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