Masking Up

Masking Up

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of a mask is as follows: a covering used to hide or disguise your face. A covering used to protect your face or cover your mouth.

That’s just Entry 1 of 2. The others go on to include such definitions as a grotesque false face worn at carnivals or in rituals, a sculptured face or a copy of a face made by means of a mold and an area (such as the one around the eyes) of an animal’s face that is distinguished by usually darker coloring; and that’s just to name a few.

Today, one could add that it’s a face covering to protect others from breathing in the bacteria transmitted in droplets from your exhalation. We all know and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) underscores that this is of supreme importance during these ever-so challenging COVID-19 times. Wearing a mask, in fact, is one of the top things you can do to prevent the transmission of this coronavirus.

Donning a mask today means so much more than attaching a covering to your face. The Map Geek tries to stay away from polarizing political issues regarding whether to mask up or not but suffice it to say, the Map Geek follows the science. And if you look at the information on the CDC website, you will see that wearing a mask is one of the best ways to protect yourself and others from virus spread.

Aside from a mask saying “I care about you and I am following the rules,” it also has come to say a lot about the masker. (That would be the person wearing the mask for those of you unfamiliar with the lingo.) Yes, the mask has become the fashion statement of 2020 (along with athe-leisure clothing and loungewear). There’s a mask color and style for every personality. Women are no longer reaching for their lipstick as they head out the door; instead, they’re glossing their lips with coconut oil lip balm and the likes and masking up. (Lipstick smears on a mask is so gauche, even when it’s on the inside.)

The Map Geek guesses that many men are approaching their mask-wearing with a new-founded fashion awareness, one that they never had to consider before. (How many accessories do men have, for example? Not many whereas women have lots of modish scarves, jewelry, hats, bags and shoes.) The Map Geek is happy that the guys are now experiencing the various fashion conundrums we have pondered all these years, presenting the sort of deliberations that regularly make us about least ten minutes late. Would you wear a polka dot mask with a striped shirt, for example? Sure, as long as the colors match.

And kids? They’re having a blast with this. From their favorite Superheroes to hometown baseball team, children are having fun with all the themes available to them. They don’t seem to mind their voice being muffled so much either; kids are more about action than words. Thank goodness masks don’t entirely mask their body language.

Some people say that a mask prevents others from reading your expression. The Map Geek considers that a half truth. Eyes are one of the most expressive parts of your body and no matter the size of a mask, none of the ones for COVID-conscious folks cover the eyes. Thankfully there now exists masks made with a transparent panel that allows others to see the mouth of the mask wearer. This has been a revolutionary invention for lots of people, especially lip readers. These masks could even be awesome for children, since most kids are big on nonverbal communication. (Sticking out your tongue behind a mask doesn’t have much of an effect unless the mask has a clear panel. LOL!)

The Map Geek imagines many moms and some dads have already started making and shopping for masks to accompany their child’s Halloween costumes. Some people have questioned if there will even be a Halloween this year. Are you kidding? The Map Geek bets it will be bigger than ever. Check out this story from the Today Show that showcases all kinds of masks peppered with pumpkins, goblins, spiders and more for toddlers, kids, teens and adults. Can you imagine the fun we can have with the jingly-jangly ones for Christmas? Many will likely come with a matching Christmas sweater.

So not to be left out of the loop and always on the forefront of discoveries, Discovery Map International boasts its own masks. Not only are they super cool in design but also lightweight and easy to wear. The Map Geek has worn them out and about in public often and has always received many compliments as well as enquiries about the map.

Discovery Map International also has gaiters that are big enough to allow room for even more of a map. Best to wear them like regular buffs to protect your neck or head from the chill of fall and winter, since they–like bandanas–do not prevent the transmission of disease nearly as well as masks that cover your nose and mouth. (Note, too, that this cold and flu season you must be particularly vigilant about staying healthy and covering your neck will not only keep you cozy, but it will also ward off sore throats.)

Never lose sight of the fact, however, that your mask is making a statement about you. Are you edgy, classic, Bohemian, contemporary, fun, fanciful, serious, an avid traveler or world explorer? Well, you get the idea. And if you like maps, go ahead and broadcast it. Discovery Map masks make for great conversation starters.

Take care and mask up!

Note that a good way to test the efficacy of a mask–or other type of face covering–is to try to blow out a candle when wearing your mask. If you can blow it out, the mask doesn’t provide enough protection. Our Discovery Map masks pass the test, so don’t even attempt to blow out your birthday cake candles when wearing our masks.


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