Historically Speaking Lancaster

Embracing the Pennsylvania Dutch and Amish culture most definitely plunges you back in time, however, there’s more dialing back of the years to be experienced elsewhere. Let’s start with Lancaster, the city that’s the seat of Lancaster County. Founded as a borough in1742 and then chartered as a city in 1818, it’s one of the…

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Historic Rehoboth Beach and Lewes

There’s so much history in Rehoboth Beach and Lewes that you almost want at least one rainy day during your stay to visit the many sites and museums that document the centuries-worth of doings within these communities. Just ponder this: Delaware was named the first of the thirteen original colonies and is thus considered the…

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Historic Sun Valley, Ketchum and Hailey

Noteworthy as the first destination winter resort in the United States, a visit to Sun Valley, Idaho and the surrounding area promises a classic mountain experience, one enjoyed by famous and not-so famous people for almost ninety years. Developed in 1932 by W. Averell Harriman, the chairman of the Union Pacific Railroad, in an effort…

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Historically Gettysburg

How do you begin to wrap your head around all the amazing history that is Gettysburg, Pennsylvania? That’s a good question to ponder before your set out for this exciting destination in south central Pennsylvania. Truly a bastion of history, there’s much to delve into in this town of about 10,000 inhabitants and also within…

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Historic Cape May

Known as the oldest seaside resort in America, Cape May envelopes you in an historic charm that’s classy, rich and well worth the visit. There’s no ugly development at this elegant resort destination. No siree Bob. Classified as a National Historic Landmark District, the entire city of Cape May figures within the Cape May Historic…

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Historic Highlights of Williams, Arizona

If you’re heading to the Grand Canyon, make sure you allow time to explore Williams, AZ. Named after William Williams (also known as “Old Bill”), and known as the “Gateway to the Grand Canyon,” the town was founded in 1881 when life was still pretty darn rough and tumbling. Although it offers all of the…

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Historic Newport, RI

Best known for its summer “cottages,” built by the Astors, Vanderbilts, Wideners and other wealthy industrialists, Newport’s history runs as deep as the waters off its shores. Founded in 1639, Newport grew to be a large settlement that became rich from its commercial activity, most of which was generated by its strategic position as an…

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Hike the Selfie Trail

Every good vacation these days includes a fair amount of selfie taking, right? No need to search for the best place to stand for your selfie with Flagstaff’s iconic scenery, the Flagstaff Selfie Trail will point you to the perfect spot. The Flagstaff CVB has provided a map with directions to one-of-a-kind selfie spots throughout…

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Historic Butte

Butte means mound or small hill in French and that’s exactly the topography of Butte, Montana. Established in 1864, this old mining camp took off shortly thereafter and by the latter part of the nineteenth century it became one of the first major industrial cities in the West. One of the largest copper boomtowns in…

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Highlights of the Upper Valley VT and NH

The title of this write up is extremely misleading. There’s so much to discover within the Upper Valley that one could write volumes about what you find throughout this endearing section of New England. There’s much to unearth within the jumble of small towns and villages that for the most part border the Connecticut River…

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