Mark Ciociola

“Owning our Discovery Map franchises has been a blessing both professionally and personally. They have allowed us the opportunity to meet and become friends with fellow small business owners in the community. They also provide us the ability to earn an income while maintaining a flexible schedule and lifestyle.

One thing we did not anticipate when buying our first territory back in 2009 was the rapid changing nature of the technology side of the industry. However, we are fortunate that the franchisor did. They have been out in front of this ever changing digital industry. They continue to roll out new features, products and aspects of the business that continue to make us at the forefront of the industry. Had this not been the case we may not have chose to expand as far & as quickly as we have. ”

—Mark Ciociola
Discovery Map Franchisee
Gatlinburg, TN
Big Island, HI
Park City, UT