Nashville, TN Discovery Map publisher

Lane & Evelyn Curlee, Discovery Map of Nashville TN

For more information about advertising and distribution, please contact:

 Lane & Evelyn Curlee

 Discovery Map of Nashville TN

 +1 931-581-0360



I’m excited to announce Discovery Map is coming to Nashville! If you have traveled to Savannah, Charleston, or Asheville (or 120+ other cities around the country), you have probably picked up a colorful, whimsical, hand-drawn map of their city – a Discovery Map.


The maps are 17” x 25” and will be available this summer.  At least 300,000 maps will be printed and professionally distributed all year in over 100 restaurants, hotels, attractions, Welcome and Visitors Centers all over Nashville and Interstate Welcome Centers.


The maps will spotlight places to eat, sleep, shop and things to do, places to have fun, and just explore Nashville.  There is also a smart phone digital version. These Discovery Maps are FREE and will be VERY popular with our 16 million annual visitors to Nashville.


I can only spotlight 130 organizations on the map.  This is an excellent opportunity to tell your story and stand out from the crowd. Please don’t let this opportunity slip by.  Don’t be left off the map!


About Discovery Map and Lane Curlee

Discovery Map was founded in 1981 in Vermont and there are 126 Discovery Maps around the country. These maps can be found in cities such as Savannah, Charleston, Santa Fe, Pigeon Forge and El Paso.  Nearly 18 million Discovery Maps are published annually nationwide. 


Over 5,000 companies around the country advertise on Discovery Maps.  90%+ of these companies repeat their advertising on the map year after year. 


I am a native Tennessean and have owned an advertising agency in Tennessee for 38 years.  My objective has always been to assist our clients in their business objectives through effective marketing.


My mother says when I was in junior high I wanted to be  cartographer when I grew up….I’ve always had a love of maps. My family has vacationed in Vermont several times and we love the state…..the home of Discovery Map! The combination of my love of advertising, maps and Vermont led us to buy our first Discovery Map franchise, Southern Middle Tennessee. In late 2019,  Evelyn and I received an award from Discovery Map International, Inc. for the outstanding inaugural year map!


Last year we invested in the Discovery Map of Nashville franchise.  Our objective in publishing the map is to make our 16 million annual visitors more aware of the unique places to eat, sleep, shop and just have fun in Nashville, and, you never know, our guests might even hang around Nashville a little longer and spend their money locally.  We invested in the franchise to support and promote local destinations, attractions, and businesses to our visitors, residents, and those looking to relocate to Nashville.


Contact me today at 931-581-0360,  or


Lane Curlee

Discovery Map of Nashville


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